Saturday, May 16, 2009


So I was in a strange town Id imagine something like Vegas but less crazy. I was living there with (WM) and I remember all of a sudden having this money because we kept getting it from somewhere? Anyways I had the most and people started hunting us down. So i'ts the end of the day in this town and most places are closed and I pull at a door and its locked, then the next door .. it was open. It was a clothing store and I had the money in my hand and kept pretending to hide it in different spots so the people wouldnt know where and they start tearing the place apart and we run out back to our home. (which was like a huge apartment type place) So in the lobby theres a weird circular thing that sticks out and I open a compartment in it and stick the money in the flap that you cant really see. So we walk away to go eat. So as we eat at this restaurant we can see the compartment and it all goes well when the people walk by it and all until all of a sudden one of the people in the restaurant yells "There!!" and I look up and see a hair extension falling out of the compartment, So I jump up run over and see someone had gone through it but they hadnt seen the flap so I open it and grab the money and run. So as (WM) and I run out into the busy road SUVS come after us and I run to the opposite side to oncoming traffic, I rip off my sweater and a Whit SUV pulls over and a black guy jumps out and says "Here get in" and we do and in the car was 2 guys and one girl who we had met earlier at dinner. I remember being so happy she was there. So I crawl into the front seat and tell him we live in delta.. and ask him where he lives (because we apparently dont live in Delta) and he said he lives on Rupert. So I said " Thats not far from Cloverdale, can we go there instead?" And he looks at me funny and says okay. But first he needs to stop at his house so we pull onto his road, park right outside and he jumps out to run in. So I get behind the wheel and leave the car running just in case. The other guy is like "its okay, Itll be alright" But then I look into the rearview and a white cadillac is pulling up behind us and I start freaking out and putting the SUV into reverse.
But the cadillac pulls into the house next door but I turn the car around and all of a sudden we're inside the house and the first guys mom is talking to me.. something about his childhood. So then we all get back in the SUV and he drops us off at a park, where I meet (SS) and we are getting picked up by (KS) and as we get in the car Im holding Gunner and she tries to make us keep her other cat who is going blind or maybe deaf. Then two seconds later we get out and we're standing somewhere and that's it. I suddenly feel safe.

1 comment:

  1. I had a dream that you an me were walking down the street (at night) that leads to the freeway, and there's a riot with SWAT and we're trying to get past to the car dealership but the cops are shooting the ppl across the street. They don't care if we get shot, and finally we get to the dealership and there's a HUGE group of ppl watching a movie while sitting on the ground. The tv was tiny. I meet a priest and he gives me a key to a church that houses ALL churches of every religion. I go in and there's white stairs and floors and doors and I enter a church and it's all white with glass and plants and beds of wrapped up ppl. Dead ppl. I get the WORST, most disgusting feelings ever. It's a total nightmare and I KNOW it's a church full of demons and ppl go to worship them. I know if I stay, the dead things will devour me and I will become them. I get out and I think there's some kind of war? But I don't remember now.
